We are a team/family of believers, who KNOW that God has CALLED and EQUIPPED us to serve this body of believers through worship and music. This is our service and sacrifice.
1. To Praise God for His goodness. (PSALM 100)
2. To make God’s glory known among the nations. (PSALM 96:3)
3. To serve one another and encourage others. (EPHESIANS 5:18-20)
Or vision is to see the generations worshiping God together with ONE VOICE and in ONE ACCORD. At Coastline, you can expect to learn new songs without sacrificing theology and sound doctrine. We also love to sing hymns and standards of the church.
We choose each song based on its scriptural merit and its ability to help the church sing out their faith with confidence. We decline to do songs that fall short of this standard. Our focus is on leading the church to meditate on the Holiness of God and minimize all other distractions in our services.
It is a great honor and responsibility to serve the Pastor, the Team and the Church of Coastline Calvary Chapel, Gulf Breeze. If you feel that God has called you to serve Him at Coastline, and are willing to invest in your gifts as a vocalist or musician, here is how you can begin the audition process:
These resources will give you a great idea of what is expected
of a worship team member--both on and off the stage.
Biblical Lessons on the Importance of Corporate & Personal Worship
We Were Created FOR HIS GLORY
Isaiah 43 clearly states that God created us, and He redeemed us for His glory...and that His people WILL praise His name.
Why We Sing Together as a Church
When God said the early church was "in one accord." The Greek word for this is "Homothumadon." The definition of this powerful word is directly related to singing and music.
Singing In Every Season
Isaiah 25-26 contains two very different songs...but what we can learn in this text, is that God is worthy to be praised in all seasons of life.
Why We Sing New Songs
God never commands something for us that isn't "for" us. Listen to some practical reasons the Bible tells us to sing new songs.
Why We Sing Old Songs & Hymns
There are songs in the Bible whose words we still sing today. These lyrics connect us to the God who was and is and is to come!
Sciency Reasons Our Creator Tells Us to Sing.
The One who created us (mind, body and soul) also commanded us to sing praises to Him. You might be surprised the health benefits scientist have discovered concerning the topic of corporately singing together.
Worship Helps Us Fulfill the First Commandment
"Love the Lord with all your Heart , Mind, Soul and Strength." That is what true worship helps us do. We are setting our minds on Christ. We are opening our Heart to His authority. We are literally obeying him with our Body as we direct our vocal chords to sing his name.
Worship Trains our Minds be Focused on God
Distractions are a reality...especially as a musician , vocalist and worship leader. Today our minds are easily distracted. The enemy wants us to be distracted by our sin and shame.... But God...God took that away on the Cross. Worship helps us stand on these promises and focus on Christ.
Worship Through Suffering
As worship leader, sometimes we perform funerals on Saturday, and lead that same family in worship during on Sunday. This devotional reminds me of the importance of choosing songs that celebrate the eternal benefits of knowing Christ. Songs of theology. Songs what we can sing - even in times of suffering.
Worship Through Financial Difficulty
How can financial difficulty bring us closer to God--instead of further away. Let's look at this common trial that the enemy uses to distracts us from experiencing the Glory of God during worship.
Worship Through Anxiety
In these difficult times, it is easy to let fear and anxiety rob us of time, peace and true worship. The Bible gives us simple, practical steps to avoid this misstep. Whatever we give our mind to, that is what we are worshiping...let us lay aside every weight that distracts us!
Worship Through Political Unrest
Politics seems to be an ugly reality of our life. But remember Jesus and the early church lived through one of the most political challenged times in history. There is a Godly approach to loving everyone...even those who live and see things differently.
Worshiping When God Seems Far Away
If you are a faithful worshiper, you will worship through every season. Sometimes God just seems far from us. The story of Elijah is a beautiful reminder that no matter how far we feel or run from God...He is with us.
Testimony: Worshiping Through Disappointment
For year, I lead worship through depression. Depression that came from disappointment in myself, God and my life. I wasn't being hypocritical...I was worshiping in Faith. As I look back, I can see that God was teaching me to worship through Theology, Faith and Obedience. Now, I see God was leading me the whole time.
Worship And Authority
The Sons of Korah are great examples of what it means to anchor your identity in the God you worship - beyond status, titles and expectations. Worship always comes from surrendering to what God says about us - not our culture, friends, foes or family.
Defining "Freedom in Worship"
Many worship leaders use this phrase to do whatever they want in a worship set. But, this phrase has a surprising meaning. It means that we are FREE to obey God instead of our own desires. Again we find that Obedience is an important aspect of our time in worship.
Worship That Doesn't "Grieve the Holy Spirit"
Here we define another common phrase we find among worship leaders. Grieving the Holy Spirit has nothing to do with how good the worship music was...or if I heard the song I wanted to hear. Listen as we talk about what it means to "grieve the Holy Spirit."
Following the Holy Spirit
Many musicians struggle with playing to a metronome. This is one of the best examples I can use to explain it. Our tendency is to play against it instead of with it. But just like walking with Jesus, when we play with the metronome we fall in line with the music...and our worship no longer has that tension.
Worshipers must KNOW Jesus
If we are going to worship Jesus...if we are going to praise His name, we must know who He is. I challenge all worship leaders to get in the Word. Read the Gospels and get to know Jesus personally. You can't rely on stories you heard or second hand sermons. We must know the Word of God ourselves.
Jesus' Prayer for His Worshipers
There are lot of prayers, promises and commands in the Bible. But there is one prayer that Jesus made JUST FOR US! You and me as His worshipers, can read this prayer today and get a glimpse of Jesus heart and plan for us.
Which Well Do You Worship From
We all have cycles in our life that seem endless. Even leading worship can become like that if we are not worshiping at the right well. Meaning, if we are looking for worldly validation, we are worshiping at the wrong well. The story of the "woman at the well" teaches us the importance of drawing from His eternal well.
Worshipers must KNOW Jesus
If we are going to worship Jesus...if we are going to praise His name, we must know who He is. I challenge all worship leaders to get in the Word. Read the Gospels and get to know Jesus personally. You can't rely on stories you heard or second hand sermons. We must know the Word of God ourselves.
Live and Worship like a "Lion Hunter"
I am not going to lie: leading worship is beyond my ability. There are so many things that seem daunting and impossible. My personality, is to avoid those things...procrastinate. But Proverbs teaches us to live like a lion hunter...hunting and taking out those barriers in our lives.
Worship At Bethlehem
When I began to study the story of the old hymn, "O Little Town of Bethlehem," I fell in love with not just the lyrics, but the meaning behind the song. Reading this story, I wanted to create a version of this song that matched the excitement of the songwriter's vision.
We Three Kings
At Christmas we sing songs, and sometimes those songs and lyrics lose their meaning to us. In this devotional, we take a fresh look at the gifts: Gold, Frankencense, and Myrrh. These three gifts point us to the prophecy of Jesus being our High Priest.
Bells of Christmas
The one sound that separated Christmas music from every other style of music is bells. This connection between bells and Christmas bears a beautiful significance when we learn the purpose of Bells in ancient worship in the Bible.