December 25
God Included You Read: Psalm 105:1-4, Psalm 68:3-5 As you reflect on the Christmas story, marvel at this: God included you in His plan. The good news of Jesus, proclaimed by angels and shared with shepherds, is also extended to …
December 24
The Longing for Home Read: Hebrews 1:1-8, Galatians 4:1-7 There’s something universally moving about a soldier reuniting with family. These homecomings tug at our hearts because they resonate with a longing we all share—the longing for home. The holidays often …
December 23
A Reason to Be Generous This Christmas Read: Isaiah 61:1-9, Luke 4:18-21 “He has sent me to tell those who mourn that the time of the Lord’s favor has come” (Isaiah 61:2). Jesus came to proclaim good news to the …
December 22
The Unexpected Miracle Read: Isaiah 53:1-6, John 3:16-17, John 20:31 When rescue doesn’t come as we envisioned, it can be unsettling. God often works in ways we’d never expect. Jesus fulfilled every prophecy about the Messiah, yet His life defied …
December 21
Jesus is a Different Kind of King Read: Isaiah 11:1-10 We all know what it’s like to have a boss—some are fair, others are difficult. But Isaiah describes a King like no other. “There shall come forth a shoot from …
December 20
Run with the Good News this Christmas Read: Isaiah 52:7-10, Romans 10:8-15 “How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, who publishes peace… who says to Zion, ‘Your God reigns’” (Isaiah 52:7). Isaiah’s words …
December 19
We Can Know God Read: John 1:1-14 Imagine someone new moves into your neighborhood. You might notice details from afar—their car, their schedule, or if they have kids. But knowing about them is different from truly knowing them. To really …
December 18
I Can Give My Heart to Him Read: Matthew 2:1-12 When the wise men arrived, Jesus was likely just a young child. He hadn’t healed or taught anyone yet, but the wise men were overjoyed simply to see Him, showering …
December 17
God Gives Us Exactly What We Need Read: Luke 2:36-40, Matthew 5:17-18 The Old Testament commands us to love God and love others (Deuteronomy 6:4-5, Leviticus 19:18). Yet, as Israel learned over generations, we’re unable to fully keep God’s law …
December 16
Who is Jesus? Read: Luke 2:21-35 Christmas compels us to answer life’s biggest question: Who is Jesus? “[Simeon] took him up in his arms and blessed God and said, ‘…my eyes have seen your salvation… a light for revelation to …
December 15
God Uses Imperfect People Read: Matthew 1:1-17 What kind of people does God use to fulfill His purposes? Jesus’ family tree in Matthew 1 shows that they’re often far from perfect. “The book of the genealogy of Jesus Christ, the …
December 14
The Gospel is Good News for All Read: Luke 2:8-20 In life, what’s good news for one person isn’t always good news for another. A promotion is exciting for the one who receives it, while it may feel disappointing to …
December 13
Is God Really with Me? Read: Isaiah 7:10-14, Matthew 1:23 In this season, reminders of Jesus’ birth are everywhere—in songs, nativity scenes, and family traditions. But how often do we wake up with the assurance that God is with us? …
December 12
Jesus is Not Afraid of Our Mess Read: Luke 2:1-7 Despite the serene image of nativity scenes, Jesus’ birth was far from pristine. Picture a stable or cave filled with hay, tools, and manure. This humble setting speaks volumes about …
December 11
We Walk by Faith, Not by Sight Read: Luke 2:1-7, 2 Corinthians 5:1-7 When Caesar Augustus ordered a census, the timing couldn’t have been worse for Joseph and Mary. They were unmarried, and Mary was ready to give birth. Traveling …
December 10
Christmas Means Peace Read: Micah 5:1-5, John 14:27 The holiday season often brings pressure—gifts, parties, traditions. Though it’s known as the season of joy, it can feel anything but peaceful. We sing about peace, but rush from one thing to …
December 9
We Are Gifted but Humble Read: Luke 1:46-56 Mary couldn’t hide God’s calling on her life—the Messiah would be born through her. In response, Mary sang a song of praise. When she said, “From now on, all generations will call …
December 8
A Costly Blessing Read: Luke 1:39-45 Upon hearing of Elizabeth’s pregnancy, Mary hurried to see her, and when she arrived, Elizabeth’s baby leaped in her womb. Elizabeth, filled with the Spirit, said, “God has blessed you above all women, and …
December 7
Is the Easy Thing the Right Thing? Read: Matthew 1:18-25 When Joseph decided to quietly end his engagement with Mary, an angel appeared to him in a dream, saying, “Do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife, for …
December 6
We Can Trust Him with the Impossible Read: Luke 1:26-38 Impossible situations aren’t common, but when they arise, they test our faith. When Gabriel brought Mary the incredible news, we see how she responded to the impossible with trust. “For …
December 5
We’re Called to Prepare Read: Luke 1:57-80, Malachi 3:1-4 When a celebration is in full swing with laughter and joy, all the planning feels worthwhile. John the Baptist’s calling wasn’t glamorous, but God appointed him to prepare the way for …
December 4
God Blesses Us Even When We Doubt Read: Luke 1:5-25, Luke 1:57-66 Zechariah and Elizabeth longed for a child, but as the years passed, hope seemed lost. Despite being a priest, Zechariah struggled to believe when an angel announced that …
December 3
Learning to Trust God’s Timing Read: Isaiah 40:12-31 Israel endured 70 years of exile, a long season that challenged their faith as they waited for deliverance. To encourage them, Isaiah pointed to God’s unmatched power, wisdom, and constant presence. But …
December 2
God Keeps His Promise Read: Psalm 89:1-52 Psalm 89 captures Israel’s struggle when it seemed God’s promise to David was broken. Though God had sworn David’s rule would last forever (2 Samuel 7), Israel’s defeat and captivity in Babylon made …
December 1
The Messiah is Coming Read: Isaiah 9:1-7 When Israel’s circumstances were bleak, Isaiah prophesied the coming Messiah who would redeem and restore. He described the Messiah with four titles: Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace. …